Red Begonia Rex

Red begonia rex
Rex Begonia
- General Care.
- Sunlight. Moderate to bright indirect light.
- Water. Water weekly allowing the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings.
- Humidity. Will tolerate dry air but prefer high humidity.
- Temperature. Average home temperature of 65°F-75°F. ...
- Size. ...
- Common Problems. ...
- Precautions.
How do you keep rex begonia red?
This one the leaves don't really change color so i just keep it in bright in direct. Light watering
Is Begonia rex an indoor plant?
Many have showy flowers; several are popular as outdoor garden plants. Rex begonias, however, are famous only for their foliage. Rex begonias originated in the forests of northern India. Today, there are many beautiful cultivars, making rex begonias popular as an indoor houseplant.
Is Begonia rex hard to care for?
Rex begonias are one of the easiest houseplants to care for and happy in many conditions. But they will also let you know if they feel that their water, light, and soil conditions are a bit off for their liking.
How long do rex begonias last?
A variety of a group of begonias known as Rex begonias (Rex cultorum group), Escargot is a cultivar that reaches about 6 to 12 inches in height. In warm climates where freezing winter temperatures do not occur, Rex begonias are evergreen perennials that live for many years.
How often should begonia rex be watered?
A good rule of thumb is to water every two to four days. When it's hot and dry you'll need to water more often than when the air cools down and the soil holds more moisture. Begonia plants in full sun will also require more water than plants in shady locations.
Can red begonias take full sun?
Interspecific Begonias These plants are much larger, and have bigger blooms, as well. Most interspecific varieties flower in shades red, pink, and white, and continue to do so until frost. Happily, like their little siblings, they grow well in both sun and shade (though you get more flowers in the sun).
How fast do rex begonias grow?
Propagation: Although it can take up to six months to produce a new plant, leaf cutting is the most common form of propagation because leaves are the most readily available part of the plant. Seed can take an equally long time and leads to plant variability.
Why is my begonia rex losing color?
Begonias come from hot, humid places, especially the Americas, where they form part of the understory of rainforests. They like bright shade. In direct light, wacky coloured begonias lose their looks and fade. If it is too hot and dry, the leaf edges will turn brown and crisp.
Should I mist my rex begonia?
Answer: While rex begonias and many other houseplants prefer high relative humidities, misting is ineffective unless you're prepared to mist the plants several times a day. Also, rex begonias are not fond of water on their foliage.
What is difference between begonia and Begonia rex?
It's got green leaves. And the flower itself almost looks like a little rose. And then take a look
How tall does Begonia rex grow?
A mature plant reaches 12 to 18 inches tall and wide. The leaves of rex begonias grow clumped together, the plant is dense looking and rounded.
How do you make Begonia rex bushy?
Prune It! Pruning keeps the foliage bushy. Make sure you are snipping away dead and decayed foliage to maintain the appearance of the plant. Also, cutting back any bare stems will encourage fuller growth. These methods to care for Rex Begonias will ensure that your plants are taken care of and grow healthily.
Do Begonia rex like to be root bound?
Begonias like to be root-bound, and can struggle if repotted too often. When it's time for repotting begonias, be certain to choose a container that is only one size larger than the current one. They can start to suffer if they're planted in a pot that's too large.
Where do you put rex begonias?
And the rest generally speaking rex begonias need bright indirect light direct sunlight just won't
Do begonias come back up every year?
This results in at least four months of blooms a year and if looked after properly, they will come back year after year so one purchase will give years of enjoyment in your garden. Begonias are extremely versatile and can be used in different ways.
Will my rex begonia come back?
It will come back in spring even stronger than before. Leaf drop happening during the growing season is a sign of trouble. Overly dry air causes Begonia Rex to dry out and drop all its leaves. In this case, you'd need to increase the humidity to save the plant.
Can you put rex begonias outside?
Outdoors, rex begonias like part- to deep shade, ordinary potting soil, and water when the top inch or so of the soil is dry. Give them a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month, or add granular timed-release fertilizer to the potting soil at planting time. Avoid misting the leaves; alkaline water just desiccates them.
Can you bottom water a rex begonia?
It some more the most important step here now is to make sure that you drain every ounce of water
How do I know if my begonia needs water?
General Rules. The main rule of thumb for watering begonias is to not let the soil dry out completely. Stick your finger into the soil, and if it dry to your first knuckle, it's time to water. Avoid overwatering, which will cause the foliage to turn yellow and eventually drop.
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